Which function returns a reference to a cell (or cell range) that is a specified distance from a base cell? Which custom format will make the cells in column A appear like the corresponding cells in column B? Which formula is NOT equivalent to all of the others? Click the Decrease Decimal button once.Then click the Alignment tab and select Right Indent. In the cells group on the Home tab, click Format > Format Cells.Click the Decrease Decimal button twice.✔️.A cell contains the value 7.877 and you want it to display as 7.9. Show in Tabular Form or Show in Outline Form✔️.Show in Compact For or Show in Outline Form.In the image below, which option(s) can you select so that the appropriate field headers appear in cells A4 and B3 instead of the terms Row Labels and Column Labels, respectively? When using Goal Seek, you can find a target result by varying _ at most. Which format will display the value 27,500,000 as 27.5? Press F1 or click the Help tab in the ribbon.✔️.What is the best way to activate the Excel Help system? Add a sparkline, a graphic that summarizes data visually within a single worksheet cell.✔️.Add an image of the chart to the worksheet.Add a hyperlink to another worksheet that displays a chart when clicked.Add an image of the chart to a comment.How can you convey the required information within a single cell? You need to add a line chart showing a sales trends over the last 12 months and you have only a little space to work with. Ctrl+Shift+4 (Windows) or Command+Shift+4 (Mac).Alt+Shift+4 (Windows) or Option+Shift+4 (Mac).When editing a cell, what do you press to cycle between relative, mixed, and absolute cell references? What must you do BEFORE applying the Subtotal function? In the worksheet below, you want to use Data > Subtotal to show a subtotal value per sport. If cell A3 contains the text THE DEATH OF CHIVALRY, what will the function =PROPER(A3) return?

If you drag the fill handle (lower-right corner) of cell A2 downward into cells A3, A4, and A5, what contents will appear in those cells? Which two functions check for the presence of numerical or nonnumerical characters in cells? Double-click the vertical boundary between columns C and D.✔️.